Triangle Tires

Triangle tires are a value priced brand manufactured in China. They have been building tires for the North American tire market for over 30 years, which means they have a lot of diverse tire building experience. Their products are reliable and can be trusted for your personal vehicles, or for your business trucks and equipment. The tire manufacturer offers a variety of passenger car, SUV and Light Truck tires for a wide range of driver's needs and demands. Most of the models are built using modern technologies like silica based tread compounds for no compromises in performance aspects like long-wear and wet traction. If you drive an economy or touring sedan, and are looking for a long-lasting mileage tire, consider a tire from Triangle. They all offer excellent value for the money. For commercial uses, the brand has plenty of options, as well like over-the-road truck tires, off-road tires, trailer tires and farm tires. If you are an owner operator, or buying for a fleet of trucks and equipment, Triangle tires are worth investigating.
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Best value
Top rated
Triangle TR968 245/35R20 95V BSW
40,000 Warranty

High Performance Summer
- Passenger
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