Milestar Tires

Milestar tires is a budget brand tire for passenger cars, SUVs, light trucks and even heavy duty trucks. They have a good variety of style and sizes to choose from, and are some of the least expensive tires you will find. Milestar tires are designed to be low priced, so they have a minimal amount of extras built in, but they are reliable tires for the budget minded. There are tread designs for all-season touring applications, all-season and summer performance tires, several SUV highway tires, and good, robust all-terrain light truck tires that work well on full size commercial vans. The heavy duty truck tires are durable and long-lasting to help fleets lower their cost of operation and down-time associated with blowouts. All Milestar tires come with a manufacturer's warranty, so take a moment to enter your tire size in the tire finder to see our huge selection of commercial, passenger, truck or SUV tires today!
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Best value
Top rated
Milestar MS932 Sport 205/40R17XL 84W BSW
50,000 Warranty

All Season
- Passenger
- See details
Milestar Weatherguard AS710 Sport 235/45R17XL 97V BSW
70,000 Warranty

- Passenger
- See details
Milestar Weatherguard AS710 Sport 245/45R17XL 99V BSW
70,000 Warranty

- Passenger
- See details
Milestar MS932 Sport 205/45R17XL 88W BSW
50,000 Warranty

All Season
- Passenger
- See details
Milestar Weatherguard AS710 Sport 225/65R16XL 104H BSW
70,000 Warranty

- Passenger
- See details
Milestar Weatherguard AS710 Sport 215/65R17XL 103T BSW
80,000 Warranty

- Passenger
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Accelera (314)
Achilles (151)
Advance (102)
Advanta (301)
Airloc (8)
Alliance (62)
American Farmer (4)
American Road Star (262)
Americus (260)
AMP (76)
Apollo (5)
Ardent (1)
Arisun (329)
Armstrong (184)
Arroyo (411)
Ascenso (15)
ATF Tires (12)
Atlas (292)
Atturo (403)
BF Goodrich (540)
BKT (286)
Blackhawk (399)
Bridgestone (1127)
Cambridge (1)
Carlisle (445)
Carlstar (1)
Castle Rock (4)
Cavalry (1)
Celimo (187)
Centennial (23)
Continental (944)
Cooper (586)
Cosmo (186)
Crop Max (33)
Crossmax (49)
Crosswind (252)
Deestone (208)
Delinte (255)
Delta (11)
Doral (95)
Double Coin (36)
Douglas (4)
Dunlop (60)
Duro (7)
Durun (9)
Dynatrac (28)
El Dorado (95)
Eurogrip (5)
Evoluxx (289)
Falken (990)
Federal (17)
Firestone (627)
Forceland (86)
Forceum (38)
Fortune (339)
Freedom Hauler (25)
Freestar (15)
Fullrun (31)
Fullway (119)
Fury (49)
Fuzion (74)
Galaxy (113)
GBC (44)
General (617)
Giovanna (58)
Gladiator (200)
Goodride (119)
Goodtrip (6)
Goodyear (1115)
Grand Spirit (1)
Green Max (224)
Greenball (59)
Gremax (3)
Grit Master (90)
GT Radial (335)
Haida (110)
Hankook (1343)
Harvest King (44)
Hercules (187)
Heritage (5)
Hi-Run (51)
Husky (1)
Iris (11)
Ironhead (173)
Ironman (466)
ITP (24)
JK Tyre (4)
K9 (34)
Kanati (53)
Kelly (197)
Kenda (549)
Kontio (10)
Kumho (733)
Lancaster (199)
Landgolden (38)
Landsail (204)
Landspider (169)
Laufenn (321)
Leao (243)
Lexani (349)
Lionhart (284)
Master (34)
Mastercraft (413)
Mastertrack (192)
Matrax (2)
Maxxis (422)
Mesa (2)
Michelin (1196)
Mickey Thompson (212)
Milestar (479)
Momo (72)
Montreal (85)
MRF (1)
Mud Claw (30)
Multi-Mile (89)
NAMA (19)
Nanco (51)
Nankang (1)
National (183)
NeoTerra (155)
Nexen (907)
Nika (10)
Nitto (627)
Nokian (765)
Ohtsu (6)
Otani (241)
OTR (127)
Pantera (104)
Paragon (1)
Patriot (40)
Performer (8)
Petlas (280)
Pirelli (1210)
Power King (141)
Predator (163)
Primewell (5)
PrimeX (5)
Prinx (296)
Prometer (6)
Radar (407)
RBP (88)
Road One (1)
Roadmaster (48)
RoadX (175)
Rovelo (14)
RubberMaster (89)
Saffiro (1)
Sailun (419)
Samson (76)
Sceptor (3)
Solar (47)
Sotera (14)
STA (1)
Starfire (128)
Starmaxx (58)
Sumitomo (362)
Summit (335)
Supermax (63)
Suretrac (18)
Sutong (1)
TBB (10)
Thunderer (214)
Titan (75)
Tornel (3)
Tourador (1)
Towstar (8)
Toyo (1266)
Trac Gard (58)
Trail Guide (71)
Trailer King (21)
TransEagle (41)
Transmax (11)
Transporter (7)
Travelstar (110)
Triangle (36)
Uniroyal (235)
Vantage (78)
Vee Rubber (85)
Velozza (26)
Venezia (22)
Venom Power (500)
Vercelli (129)
Versatyre (54)
Vitour (13)
Vizzoni (33)
Vogue (1)
Waterfall (80)
WDT (76)
Westlake (273)
Wild Country (1)
Wild Spirit (6)
Wild Trail (2)
Yokohama (994)
Zeemax (34)
Zeetex (172)
Zenna (117)
Zeta (156)