Centennial Tires

Centennial tires are inexpensive tires made in China, but very good quality for the low price. The brand is owned by Greenball Tire, a reputable and established tire manufacturer and distributor in the United States. Greenball Tire markets their light truck tires exclusively under the Centennial Tire brand name, which means a high level of focus and expertise building these types of tires. The brand has been sold around the world for several years with good reviews and hundreds of thousands of satisfied drivers. The tires are fully certified for all the markets where the brand is sold, including the strictest global standards for the DOT in North America and the ECE in Europe.
The brand puts a lot of emphasis in the design and aesthetic of the tread and sidewall. For example, their MT tire has a big aggressive tread and super cool sidewall styling to make your truck or jeep stand out. Unlike other brands which might have one or two tread styles to fit all types of pickup trucks, Centennial tire offers several different styles in a wide range of sizes for different applications and types of truck, SUV or commercial van.
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